
ERC unveils eVTOL “For Faster, More Affordable Medical Transport Solutions in Europe” 

Ger­man-based ERC Sys­tem (ERC) announced this week the unveil­ing of its eVTOL, specif­i­cal­ly designed for patient and casu­al­ty trans­port, reports a press release. A flight-capa­ble demon­stra­tor is expect­ed by the end of 2024 with the actu­al air­craft sched­uled for mar­ket launch in 2029.

The med­ical eVTOLs devel­oped by ERC are designed to facil­i­tate both sec­ondary trans­fers of patients between var­i­ous clin­ics and the ini­tial treat­ment of casu­al­ties. An ini­tial demon­stra­tor was launched at an event attend­ed by Judith Ger­lach, Bavar­i­an State Min­is­ter for Health, Care and Pre­ven­tion.

The air­craft has a cab­in large enough to facil­i­tate emer­gency med­ical care mid- flight; a load capac­i­ty of 450 kg; and a range of approx­i­mate­ly 190 kms. The eVTOL is intend­ed to enhance exist­ing heli­copter trans­port capa­bil­i­ties in Europe.

The release states, “The com­pa­ny has signed Let­ters of Intent with Gesund­heit­sre­gion­Plus, Unter­all­gäu-Mem­min­gen, and DRF Luftret­tung, one of Europe’s pre­mier air res­cue organ­i­sa­tions. These agree­ments are part of a pilot project aimed at accel­er­at­ing the devel­op­ment, cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, and oper­a­tional test­ing of the air­craft.” 

It goes on, “Addi­tion­al­ly, ERC is col­lab­o­rat­ing with the Clin­ic and Poly­clin­ic for Trau­ma Surgery at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich, to opti­mise the med­ical capa­bil­i­ties of the eVTOLs.”

Ger­lach com­ment­ed, “Inno­v­a­tive air res­cue sys­tems could com­ple­ment the exist­ing ambu­lance and res­cue heli­copter ser­vices in the future, espe­cial­ly in rur­al areas. The quick and effi­cient trans­port of patients and the injured is cru­cial.”

Dr. David Löbl, CEO of ERC, added, ”As hos­pi­tal den­si­ty decreas­es and dis­tances between med­ical facil­i­ties grow, emer­gency ser­vices face increas­ing chal­lenges. Tra­di­tion­al ambu­lances often fall short in speed, where­as heli­copter flights incur high costs and sig­nif­i­cant noise. The eVTOLs devel­oped by ERC offer an effi­cient res­o­lu­tion to these issues, serv­ing as an ide­al enhance­ment to exist­ing heli­copter trans­port capac­i­ties. eVTOLs are three times faster than ambu­lances and three times more cost-effec­tive than heli­copters.” 

Annu­al­ly, around 82 mil­lion acute­ly ill and injured indi­vid­u­als in Europe and the USA need urgent and swift med­ical trans­port. Yet, only about 1.5 mil­lion of these patients can be trans­port­ed by the fastest method avail­able… heli­copters.

Prof. Dr. Peter Bib­erthaler, Direc­tor of the Clin­ic and Poly­clin­ic for Trau­ma Surgery at Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich, remarked, “Time plays a para­mount role in the qual­i­ty of emer­gency patient care. Even brief delays can deter­mine the life-or-death out­comes for severe­ly injured patients. The sig­nif­i­cance of this fac­tor is mag­ni­fied by the increas­ing num­ber of inter-hos­pi­tal trans­fers dri­ven by the grow­ing spe­cial­i­sa­tion of med­ical tech­nol­o­gy and the cor­re­spond­ing need for spe­cialised med­ical per­son­nel.” Adding,  “Con­se­quent­ly, we are com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing ERC in devel­op­ing med­ical eVTOLs based on the most cur­rent med­ical knowl­edge.” 

Found­ed in 2020 and based in Otto­brunn near Munich, ERC employs 80 pro­fes­sion­al staff led by Dr Löbl. In light of the sig­nif­i­cant short­fall in patient trans­port ser­vices, ERC is expe­ri­enc­ing a lot of inter­est in Ger­many for its future eVTOL and antic­i­pates large mar­ket poten­tial across Europe and the U.S. 

For more infor­ma­tion


(Images: ERC Sys­tem)

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