
FIA2024: “LYNEports Wins Startup Pitch Competition” Hosted by Farnborough International Airshow & Aerospace Xelerated

LYNEports was select­ed as the win­ner of the Aero­space Xel­er­at­ed (AX) Start­up Pitch Com­pe­ti­tion host­ed last Thurs­day, July 25th at the 2024 Farn­bor­ough Inter­na­tion­al Air­show (FIA), reports a press release.

The Roman­ian com­pa­ny spe­cial­is­ing in Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM) plan­ning solu­tions was select­ed as a win­ner amongst the five oth­er inno­v­a­tive final­ists includ­ing Eddytec, Estu­aire, Sora Avi­a­tion, One­Grab and Flux Avi­a­tion. LYNEports won for the founder’s strong pitch, prod­uct poten­tial and abil­i­ty to make a dif­fer­ence in the sec­tor.

The com­pa­ny receives UKP5,000 prize mon­ey; six months of men­tor­ship from the Aero­space Xel­er­at­ed team; and an exclu­sive exhi­bi­tion space for the 2026 Farn­bor­ough Air­show to help them grow their busi­ness. The sec­ond-place win­ner, Eddytec, wins an award of UKP2,500 and three months of men­tor­ship.

Rasha Alsha­mi, Founder and  CEO of LYNEports, remarked, “We appre­ci­ate the oppor­tu­ni­ty and look for­ward to using this plat­form and the reward to fur­ther our mis­sion of merg­ing air­space and ground space to be more inclu­sive, and bring the next gen­er­a­tion of trav­el and avi­a­tion in a safe and sus­tain­able way into our cities and com­mu­ni­ties.”

The pitch com­pe­ti­tion invit­ed star­tups offer­ing solu­tions in three chal­lenge areas:-

: Inno­v­a­tive Work­force.

: Sus­tain­abil­i­ty in Aero­space.

: Next-Gen Trav­el. 

Twen­ty inno­v­a­tive star­tups applied to par­tic­i­pate in the pitch com­pe­ti­tion. Six were UK-based; nine female-found­ed; with ten work­ing on sus­tain­abil­i­ty-focused solu­tions, high­light­ing the grow­ing empha­sis on diver­si­ty, inno­va­tion and envi­ron­men­tal respon­si­bil­i­ty in the aero­space indus­try. 

Jacque­line David­son, Aero­space Xel­er­at­ed Pro­gram Direc­tor, com­ment­ed, “Hav­ing an almost 50 per­cent par­tic­i­pa­tion rate of female-found­ed com­pa­nies is a pow­er­ful indi­ca­tor of the strides we are mak­ing towards gen­der diver­si­ty in aero­space. These women-led star­tups are not only break­ing bar­ri­ers but also dri­ving inno­va­tion with­in the indus­try.”

Jacqui Sut­ton, Non-Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of Farn­bor­ough Inter­na­tion­al Ltd, who took part in the event as a judge, said, “It’s inspir­ing to see the num­ber of UK-based com­pa­nies among the appli­cants. It real­ly show­cas­es the thriv­ing entre­pre­neur­ial ecosys­tem with­in the UK and under­scores our nation’s capac­i­ty to lead in aero­space inno­va­tion.” Adding, “The tal­ent and cre­ativ­i­ty emerg­ing from these star­tups are a tes­ta­ment to the strength and poten­tial of our local indus­try.”

The pitch com­pe­ti­tion was part of the airshow’s first-ever ded­i­cat­ed Start­up Zone. In addi­tion, the Aero­space Xel­er­at­ed Inno­va­tion Zone also show­cased a fur­ther 16 star­tups and host­ed a stage fea­tur­ing pan­el dis­cus­sions with indus­try experts, work­shops and prod­uct demos. 

Nichola Bates, Aero­space Xelerated’s Man­ag­ing Part­ner and Boeing’s Head of Glob­al Accel­er­a­tors & Inno­va­tion Pro­gramme, said, “Through our col­lab­o­ra­tive efforts, we cre­at­ed a plat­form to high­light the inno­v­a­tive solu­tions of these ear­ly-stage com­pa­nies to a glob­al audi­ence of indus­try lead­ers, investors, and enthu­si­asts.”

For more infor­ma­tion




(Images: Aero­space Xel­er­at­ed)

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