
Japan: SkyDrive Signs Agreement with JR Kyushu “to Begin Feasibility Study in Kyushu Region”

Japan-based eVTOL com­pa­ny, Sky­Drive, and Kyushu Rail­way Com­pa­ny announced this week, they have signed an agree­ment to con­duct a fea­si­bil­i­ty study for elec­tric air taxi deploy­ment in the Kyushu region.

JR Kyushu “is expand­ing var­i­ous busi­ness­es that enrich trav­el and lifestyles by lever­ag­ing its broad inte­grat­ed cor­po­rate strength in rail­way sta­tion shop­ping malls, dis­tri­b­u­tion, food ser­vices, tourism and leisure, busi­ness ser­vices, con­struc­tion and oth­er areas in Kyushu,” explains the release.

The part­ners believe that by intro­duc­ing SkyDrive’s eVTOL in Kyushu, this will attract more vis­i­tors to tourist des­ti­na­tions, con­tribute to region­al devel­op­ment, and enable advanced and attrac­tive urban devel­op­ment.

Under this col­lab­o­ra­tion, the two com­pa­nies agreed to con­duct imple­men­ta­tion stud­ies includ­ing busi­ness plans and geo­graph­i­cal analy­ses, with the aim of launch­ing routes util­is­ing JR Kyushu’s rail­road sta­tions, com­mer­cial facil­i­ties and oth­er loca­tions.

Kyushu Rail­way Com­pa­ny


Kyushu Rail­way Com­pa­ny was estab­lished as a cor­po­rate group, whose busi­ness net­work extends  through­out the Kyushu region. The Group has con­sis­tent­ly expand­ed its busi­ness by con­struct­ing sta­tion build­ings, hotels, con­do­mini­ums, con­struc­tion, ship­ping, dis­tri­b­u­tion and restau­rants.

For more infor­ma­tion



(Top image: An envi­sioned trans­fer point between rail­roads and fly­ing cars — Cred­it: Sky­Drive)

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