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Middle East: Lilium to work with Groupe ADP and expand the infrastructure network for its Lilium Jet across key regions

Groupe ADP and Lil­i­um have announced a part­ner­ship to col­lab­o­rate on infra­struc­ture net­works for the Lil­i­um Jet in Europe, the Mid­dle East and Asia.

Groupe ADP oper­ates and devel­ops 23 air­ports around the globe with its two major part­ners TAV Air­ports and GMR Air­ports. It will work with Lil­i­um to make its ver­ti­ports acces­si­ble to Lilium’s cus­tomers in these key regions.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Groupe ADP deliv­ered the first ver­ti­port net­work in Europe, as an inte­gral part of the Pio­neers 2025 inno­va­tion roadmap and has a strong foothold in Paris.

Groupe ADP is cur­rent­ly devel­op­ing com­pre­hen­sive ver­ti­ports at two promi­nent air­ports in the Paris region — Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Le Bour­get, which is the venue of the Paris Air­show. It also cur­rent­ly has a tem­po­rary site in the heart of Paris.

With all this work, Groupe ADP’s ver­ti­ports will sig­nif­i­cant­ly bol­ster the Lil­i­um net­work in France and estab­lish Paris as an impor­tant region­al hub for Lil­i­um Jet oper­a­tors.

Sebastien Borel, Chief Com­mer­cial Offi­cer at Lil­i­um, said: “It is becom­ing increas­ing­ly clear that some of the very first eVTOL flights will hap­pen in France and this part­ner­ship brings that mile­stone clos­er into view.” He con­tin­ued, “Groupe ADP has an impres­sive port­fo­lio of air­ports, both in France and around the world in mar­kets that will be key to Lilium’s com­mer­cial oper­a­tions.”

In addi­tion to their flag­ship loca­tions in France, Groupe ADP oper­ate an exten­sive net­work of inter­na­tion­al air­ports around the world includ­ing key sites in the King­dom of Sau­di Ara­bia, Turkey, and India.

These sites will be cru­cial for oper­a­tors of the Lil­i­um Jet as they work to bring region­al elec­tric avi­a­tion to pas­sen­gers start­ing in 2026

Edward Ark­wright, Deputy CEO of Groupe ADP, added: “As a pio­neer in devel­op­ing infra­struc­ture for advanced air mobil­i­ty and a glob­al air­ports oper­a­tor, we are thrilled to offi­cial­ize the work we have been con­duct­ing with Lil­i­um to ensure the devel­op­ment of new ser­vices by eVTOL in the Paris region and world­wide.”

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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