
Xpeng Aeroht “to Construct Plant in Guangzhou for Mass Production of eVTOLs”

Xpeng Aero­ht, the eVTOL sub­sidiary of Guangzhou-based car man­u­fac­tur­er, Xpeng, announced last week, it is to con­struct a man­u­fac­tur­ing cen­tre for mass pro­duc­tion of fly­ing vehi­cles in the City, reports a press release. Ini­tial­ly, the facil­i­ty will pro­duce the body of the company’s autonomous fly­ing vehi­cle.

Xpeng Aero­ht has signed an invest­ment and coop­er­a­tion agree­ment with Guangzhou Devel­op­ment Dis­trict Author­i­ty. The Author­i­ty will pro­vide sup­port in the areas of land use, financ­ing and eVTOL appli­ca­tions, while Xpeng is to build a R&D, Man­u­fac­tur­ing, and Sales Cen­tre. 

This Cen­tre will be the world’s first fly­ing vehi­cle fac­to­ry to utilise a mod­ern assem­bly line for large-scale mass pro­duc­tion, as well as to pro­duce the body por­tion of its mod­u­lar eVTOL.

At the Shang­hai Auto Show in April 2021, the com­pa­ny unveiled the X1 (now the X2), which is the size of a reg­u­lar car and can take off and land ver­ti­cal­ly in a park­ing space. A year lat­er, Xpeng Aero­ht opened its first tri­al plant locat­ed in Hua­long Town, Panyu dis­trict, Guangzhou, which con­sists of two pilot pro­duc­tion work­shops and a pow­er and fly­ing vehi­cle test cen­tre.

At the company’s tech­nol­o­gy day event in Octo­ber 2023, Xpeng announced a devel­op­ment path that includes eVTOLs and mod­u­lar fly­ing vehi­cles. The lat­ter con­sists of an eVTOL along­side a par­ent vehi­cle. This has an extend­ed-range pow­er­train, 6x6 all-wheel dri­ve and sup­port rear-wheel steer­ing (see first arti­cle above).

In March this year, the Type Cer­tifi­cate Appli­ca­tion for the fly­ing vehicle’s body, prod­uct code X3‑F, was accept­ed by the CAAC Chi­na Cen­tral and South­ern Region.

Mean­while, Xpeng Aero­ht has announced its plans to begin pre-sales of the X2 in Q4 of this year at the Guangzhou Auto Show. Found­ed in 2013, the com­pa­ny is owned by Xpeng and its Chair­man and CEO, He Xiaopeng.

For more infor­ma­tion

(Images: Xpeng)

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