
Federal Aviation Administration unveils comprehensive draft of its vertiport design brief

The US Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion (FAA) released a draft of its updat­ed Engi­neer­ing Brief (EB) 105A, Ver­ti­port Design, on 10 Sep­tem­ber, sig­nalling a major step for­ward in the devel­op­ment of infra­struc­ture for the advanced air mobil­i­ty (AAM) sec­tor.

Key revi­sions in the draft include mod­i­fi­ca­tions to geom­e­try siz­ing, the addi­tion of air­craft park­ing spaces, and the cre­ation of a pro­tec­tion area des­ig­nat­ed to mit­i­gate the effects of air­craft down­wash and out­wash. 

This draft release is just one part of the FAA’s larg­er ini­tia­tive to sup­port the AAM ecosys­tem.

In con­junc­tion with the ver­ti­port design guide­lines, the FAA is prepar­ing to intro­duce new reg­u­la­tions for pow­ered-lift pilot cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and oper­a­tions. 

Speak­ing at Honeywell’s Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty Sum­mit in Wash­ing­ton D.C. on 19 Sep­tem­ber, Christo­pher Coes, act­ing Under Sec­re­tary of Trans­porta­tion for Pol­i­cy at the U.S. Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion, revealed that the final Spe­cial Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Reg­u­la­tion (SFAR) for pow­ered-lift air­craft is expect­ed to be pub­lished in the next month.

“There is great antic­i­pa­tion for the rule, which we are told is com­ing in just a few weeks,” said Kristie Gre­co John­son, Senior Vice Pres­i­dent of Gov­ern­ment Affairs with the Nation­al Busi­ness Avi­a­tion Asso­ci­a­tion (NBAA).

“If the FAA can deliv­er [the rule] in just a few short weeks, it will be a major accom­plish­ment for the agency.”

The SFAR address­es pilot cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, ener­gy reserves, and oper­a­tional require­ments spe­cif­ic to elec­tric ver­ti­cal take-off and land­ing (eVTOL) air­craft, with the goal of align­ing reg­u­la­tions with the unique demands of this new tech­nol­o­gy.

As the US races to solid­i­fy its reg­u­la­to­ry frame­works for eVTOLs, oth­er regions, par­tic­u­lar­ly the Mid­dle East, are mov­ing swift­ly to posi­tion them­selves at the fore­front of the AAM sec­tor. 

Global competition and Middle East momentum

Sau­di Ara­bia and the UAE have emerged as key play­ers in this space, with ambi­tious plans to devel­op infra­struc­ture and reg­u­la­to­ry envi­ron­ments that will sup­port the com­mer­cial­i­sa­tion of eVTOL air­craft in the near future.

Sau­di Ara­bia, for instance, has out­lined a vision to inte­grate eVTOLs into its trans­porta­tion sys­tems as part of its broad­er Vision 2030 ini­tia­tive. 

Sulaiman Almuhaime­di, Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent of Avi­a­tion Safe­ty and Envi­ron­men­tal Sus­tain­abil­i­ty at the Gen­er­al Author­i­ty of Civ­il Avi­a­tion (GACA), recent­ly empha­sised the kingdom’s focus on launch­ing pilot­ed eVTOL oper­a­tions in remote areas by 2026, with plans to expand into more com­plex urban oper­a­tions in sub­se­quent years.

The UAE, mean­while, has made sub­stan­tial invest­ments in AAM infra­struc­ture, with Dubai lead­ing the charge to inte­grate air taxis into its pub­lic trans­porta­tion net­work as ear­ly as 2026. 

Last year, the UAE’s Gen­er­al Civ­il Avi­a­tion Author­i­ty (GCAA) intro­duced the world’s first nation­al reg­u­la­tion specif­i­cal­ly designed for ver­ti­ports. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, dur­ing the DRIFTx event held in April in Abu Dhabi, the GCAA grant­ed oper­a­tional approval for the country’s inau­gur­al ver­ti­port, high­light­ing the UAE’s proac­tive approach to AAM devel­op­ment.

At the World Con­gress and Exhi­bi­tion on Intel­li­gent Trans­port Sys­tems (ITS World Con­gress), held in Dubai from 16 to 20 Sep­tem­ber, H.E. Khaled Al Awad­hi, Direc­tor of the Trans­porta­tion Sys­tems Depart­ment at the Dubai Roads and Trans­port Author­i­ty (RTA), announced that the first of four planned ver­ti­ports for the city’s air taxi ser­vice is sched­uled to com­mence oper­a­tions in the first quar­ter (Q1) of 2026. 

More­over, with their strate­gic loca­tions and sub­stan­tial invest­ments in infra­struc­ture and smart city ini­tia­tives, oth­er Gulf coun­tries are also keen to estab­lish them­selves as lead­ers in the AAM mar­ket.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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