
Watch Video: “Pivotal Hits Industry Milestone, Surpassing 1,000 Crewed BlackFly eVTOL Flights”

Piv­otal, the devel­op­er of the light Black­Fly eVTOL, recent­ly announced its team and cus­tomers have now com­plet­ed 1,117 crewed flights, reports a press release.

Pivotal’s pre-pro­duc­tion eVTOL air­craft, has been deliv­ered to indi­vid­ual own­ers nation­wide via its Ear­ly Access Pro­gram (EAP). The release explains, “Addi­tion­al­ly, friends and fam­i­ly of these ear­ly adopters who are seek­ing to fly are also receiv­ing com­pre­hen­sive train­ing to become approved light eVTOL pilots, enabling them to adven­ture with Black­Fly.” To date, over 30 peo­ple have trained and been accept­ed to fly the craft.

Ken Karklin, the Piv­otal CEO, com­ment­ed, ”Sur­pass­ing 1,000 human-pilot­ed light eVTOL flights is an unmatched achieve­ment, whether for pure recre­ation, short com­mutes in rur­al areas, vis­its with neigh­bours, or to explore new ter­rain.” He con­tin­ued, “Once trained and approved, every pilot loves hop­ping into this sin­gle-seat eVTOL and tak­ing off straight up into the sky.”

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The release con­tin­ues, “By sim­pli­fy­ing flight con­trols and reduc­ing com­plex­i­ty, Pivotal’s nov­el tilt air­craft immers­es the pilot in the won­der of flight, min­imis­es points of fail­ure, and offers a high degree of safe­ty.”

Dave Cook, a Black­Fly own­er, remarked, “This eVTOL pro­vides an incred­i­ble flight expe­ri­ence. I’ve had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to show­case my own craft at shows and peo­ple take notice and want to talk with me all about it.”

Air­craft deliv­ered through Pivotal’s EAP has cre­at­ed a valu­able com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel with a select group of Black­Fly own­ers as it pro­vides impor­tant feed­back on every aspect of their cus­tomer expe­ri­ence. The Pro­gram is now closed to new par­tic­i­pants as the com­pa­ny moves towards final qual­i­fi­ca­tion and pro­duc­tion of its pro­duc­tion suc­ces­sor, Helix.

Today, cus­tomers can place orders for the Helix.

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The Helix, is a fixed-wing air­craft built on Pivotal’s third-gen­er­a­tion eVTOL plat­form. The entire air­craft tilts for ver­ti­cal take­off and land­ing, rather than wing assem­blies or rotors rotat­ing to reori­ent thrust.

The Helix, Piv­otal’s First Pro­duc­tion Air­craft

At the vehicle’s heart lies a robust fault-tol­er­ant design, bol­stered by triple mod­u­lar sys­tems for safe­ty and reli­a­bil­i­ty. Capa­ble of manned, unmanned, and option­al­ly manned mis­sions, the light eVTOL air­craft can take off and land on pave­ment, dirt, or grass. There is no land­ing gear, sim­ply a fuse­lage wear strip. Both the Black­Fly and Helix com­ply with FAA Part 103 (Ultra­light) cat­e­go­ry in the Unit­ed States for flight in Class G air­space.

Piv­otal first announced the Helix in Octo­ber 2023.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: The Black­Fly — cred­it: Piv­otal)

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