
India: Sarla Aviation, Bengaluru Collaborate for “City to Airport Via eVTOL in 5 Minutes!” 

For yet anoth­er exam­ple of the poten­tial time saved when fly­ing via an eVTOL, India-based Sar­la Avi­a­tion claim that a jour­ney from Ben­galu­ru Air­port to its city cen­tre would take just 5 min­utes com­pared to 1.5 hours by road, reports indianexpress.com. This aston­ish­ing time sav­ing would be car­ried out by Sarla’s, present­ly in con­struc­tion, sev­en-seater eVTOL air­craft.

Accord­ing to the company’s web­site, the craft is capa­ble of cov­er­ing dis­tances up to 160km, but is opti­mal­ly designed for typ­i­cal 20–40 kilo­me­tre inner-city com­mutes. It states, “In our launch cities – Mum­bai, Ben­galu­ru, and Del­hi – pas­sen­gers can expect to save up to 87 per­cent of their usu­al com­mute time, trans­form­ing the way you trav­el in the bustling urban land­scape.” The web­site also asserts the time tak­en from India’s Elec­tron­ic City to BLR Air­port could be reduced to under 20 min­utes, com­pared to 152 min­utes by road. 

It con­tin­ues, “Equipped with four, dou­ble-iso­lat­ed bat­tery packs, our eVTOL pow­ers sev­en elec­tric motors. Sar­la achieves speeds up to 250 km/h, trans­form­ing hour-long com­mutes into mere min­utes. It is built to accom­mo­date a pilot, and com­fort­able seat­ing for 6 pas­sen­gers, along with their lug­gage. It is also capa­ble of per­form­ing back-to-back 40-kilo­me­tre trips with just 15 min­utes of charg­ing time in between.”

To explore these claims, last week Sar­la announced a part­ner­ship with Ban­ga­lore Inter­na­tion­al Air­port Ltd (BIAL), who over­seers Ben­galu­ru, to trans­form it in to India’s first eVTOL-friend­ly air­port.

In a state­ment, Sar­la commented,“We are thrilled to announce our part­ner­ship with BIAL as we join forces to bring the future of air mobil­i­ty to India’s tech cap­i­tal. Ben­galu­ru Inter­na­tion­al Air­port is not only our home base and one of the largest air­ports in India and the world, but also a for­ward-think­ing hub where sus­tain­abil­i­ty is at the heart of every­thing.”

Adri­an Schmidt, co-Founder and CEO of Sar­la Avi­a­tion, added, “I am tru­ly inspired by the lead­er­ship at Ben­galu­ru Air­port, whose vision chal­lenges young com­pa­nies like ours to push bound­aries and rede­fine what’s pos­si­ble.”

Adri­an Schmidt and Sar­la Staff sign the agree­ment with BIAL Mem­bers (Cred­it: Indi­an express)

Last week, Sar­la also met with Civ­il Avi­a­tion Min­is­ter, Ram Mohan Naidu Kin­jara­pu, along­side the Direc­torate Gen­er­al of Civ­il Avi­a­tion (DGCA) in Del­hi, to dis­cuss India’s lead­er­ship in the era of Urban Air Mobil­i­ty. This includ­ed steps toward cre­at­ing a Bharat-cen­tric eVTOL pol­i­cy as well as out­lin­ing the company’s ambi­tion to bring Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM) to India and ensur­ing smooth reg­u­la­to­ry path­ways.

For more infor­ma­tion


News Source: https://indianexpress.com

(Top image: Sar­la Avi­a­tion)

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