
PODCAST: Keyvan Aviation on its Aeronautical Navigation Database Solutions for UAV and eVTOL services

Our lat­est pod­cast is now live! This week, we were delight­ed to be joined by Mehmet Key­van, CEO of Key­van Avi­a­tion.

In this episode, Mehmet intro­duces us to Key­van Avi­a­tion, which is based in Istan­bul, Turkey. The com­pa­ny is among only four EASA-approved glob­al com­pa­nies to process and deliv­er accu­rate aero­nau­ti­cal and nav­i­ga­tion data­base use­able for air­craft avion­ics and nav­i­ga­tion sys­tems.

Mehmet tells us more about this achieve­ment, as well as the work Key­van Avi­a­tion is doing when it comes to Aero­nau­ti­cal Nav­i­ga­tion Data­base solu­tions which con­tribute to the safe, effi­cient, com­pli­ant func­tion­ing of UAV and drone eVTOL ser­vices.

We talk about the effects and future of avi­a­tion data on Drone eVTOL and air traf­fic, as well as the UAV and eVTOL drone mar­ket in Turkey and Where the chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties lie.

Click on the Play but­ton below to lis­ten to the episode, which is also avail­able on whichev­er pod­cast plat­form you choose.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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