
Australia: “AMSL Aero Completes Landmark Flight of Vertiia eVTOL Aircraft”

Aus­tralia-based AMSL Aero the zero-emis­sion air­craft design­er and man­u­fac­tur­er announced this week, the land­mark flight of its Ver­ti­ia Air­craft, reports a press release. This flight is the first of an Aus­tralian-designed and con­struct­ed eVTOL. 

Since the first unteth­ered flight, which took place ear­li­er in Novem­ber, Ver­ti­ia has tak­en off, flown and land­ed suc­cess­ful­ly more than 50 times.

The release says “Ver­ti­ia is the most com­plex civ­il air­craft ever devel­oped in Aus­tralia and has been designed to fly up to 1,000km on hydro­gen at a cruis­ing speed of 300km/hour with zero car­bon emis­sions, car­ry­ing up to four pas­sen­gers and a pilot.”

Andrew Moore, AMSL Aero Co-Founder, Chief Engi­neer and Ver­ti­ia inven­tor, com­ment­ed, “This land­mark is proof that the design we pio­neered sev­en years ago works, and it moves us clos­er to our goal of improv­ing the lives of remote, rur­al and region­al com­mu­ni­ties in Aus­tralia and around the world with an air­craft that con­quers the tyran­ny of dis­tance with zero emis­sions.”

The his­toric test flight was per­formed on bat­tery pow­er by remote con­trol in the Cen­tral West region of New South Wales in accor­dance with Civ­il Avi­a­tion Safe­ty Author­i­ty (CASA) reg­u­la­tions. AMSL will begin hydro­gen-fuelled flight test­ing of Ver­ti­ia next year.

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Max York, CEO of AMSL Aero remarked,  “Very few air­craft com­pa­nies build a full-scale air­craft and get it safe­ly off the ground. What we have achieved with a small, focused team is incred­i­ble and shows what can be done when you have a clear vision and amaz­ing tal­ent.”

This year, AMSL received deposits for 26 Ver­ti­ia air­craft orders from civ­il cus­tomers includ­ing 20 from Avi­a­tion Logis­tics, which oper­ates the Air Link, AirMed and Char­tair brands cov­er­ing pas­sen­ger ser­vices, air­craft char­ter, air freight and aeromed­ical flights across Aus­tralia.

Com­mer­cial flights are planned fol­low­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion and reg­u­la­to­ry approval in 2027.


AMSL Aero was found­ed in 2017. The company’s HQ is in Bankstown, New South Wales, with flight test facil­i­ties in region­al New South Wales. The name is derived from the ini­tials of the co-Founders, Andrew Moore (AM) and Siob­han Lyn­don (SL). 

The com­pa­ny is backed by pri­vate investors includ­ing IP Group Aus­tralia, Tel­stra Super, Host Plus and StB Cap­i­tal Part­ners, and the Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Images: AMSL Aero)

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