
EHang, Enpower Collaborate “to Develop High-Performance Electric Motors and Controllers”

EHang has announced this week a long-term col­lab­o­ra­tion with Zhuhai Enpow­er, a pio­neer in new ener­gy vehi­cle (NEV) pow­er sys­tems, reports a press release. The aim is to devel­op high-per­for­mance elec­tric motors and con­trollers for EHang’s autonomous eVTOL air­craft.

The part­ner­ship “will focus on cre­at­ing cus­tomised elec­tric motor dri­ve sys­tems that meet the unique spec­i­fi­ca­tions of EHang’s diverse eVTOL prod­ucts and the rig­or­ous air­wor­thi­ness require­ments of civ­il avi­a­tion author­i­ties,” explains the release. “Enpower’s state-of-the-art ‘inte­grat­ed core’ tech­nol­o­gy will be instru­men­tal in refin­ing the motor solu­tions of EHang eVTOLs, tar­get­ing an inte­grat­ed design of elec­tric motors and motor con­trollers with lighter weight, high­er pow­er den­si­ty, supe­ri­or cool­ing per­for­mance, and broad­er com­pat­i­bil­i­ty across EHang’s eVTOL mod­els.” The over­all goal is to ele­vate the per­for­mance and reli­a­bil­i­ty of EHang’s eVTOL autonomous fleet.

Huazhi Hu, EHang’s Founder, Chair­man and CEO, com­ment­ed, “Togeth­er, we will rede­fine the future of trans­porta­tion, mak­ing it safer, more effi­cient and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly.”

(Cred­it: Enpow­er)

Guib­in Jiang, Chair­man of Enpow­er, added, “By com­bin­ing our near­ly two decades of exper­tise in elec­tric pow­er sys­tems with EHang’s lead­er­ship in intel­li­gent eVTOL, we are poised to inno­vate and indus­tri­alise top-tier motor solu­tions, pro­pelling the UAM indus­try to new heights.”


Found­ed in 2005, Zhuhai Enpow­er Elec­tric is a lead­ing NEV pow­er sys­tem provider and is list­ed on the ChiNext Mar­ket of Shen­zhen Stock Exchange.

Known for its inno­v­a­tive “inte­grat­ed core” tech­nol­o­gy, Enpow­er part­ners with major auto­mo­tive and com­po­nent groups world­wide, offer­ing prod­ucts that are effi­cient, light­weight and cost-effec­tive.

For more infor­ma­tion

(Top image: Sign­ing Cer­e­mo­ny between EHang and Enpow­er)

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