
EHang, Sunriver Collaborate “to Expand Chinese Cultural Tourism Market, Purchase Plan for 50 eVTOLs”

Chi­na-based EHang recent­ly announced a col­lab­o­ra­tion with Zhe­jiang Sun­riv­er Cul­ture and Tourism Co, to explore the inte­gra­tion of the low-alti­tude econ­o­my with aer­i­al sight­see­ing tours, reports a press release. 

Under the Agree­ment, Sun­riv­er plans to pur­chase 50 EHang EH216‑S autonomous air­craft for its cul­tur­al tourism projects based on mar­ket devel­op­ment needs. The com­pa­ny has placed an order of 5 units as an ini­tial acqui­si­tion.

Sun­riv­er, an affil­i­ate of Sun­riv­er Hold­ing Group, has invest­ed and oper­at­ed over 40 renowned tourist attrac­tions in Chi­na, includ­ing Bai­long Ele­va­tor and Huan­g­long Cave in Zhangji­a­jie City; Hunan Province; Phoenix Ancient Town and Mang Moun­tain in Hunan Province; Bifeng Canyon in Ya’an City; Sichuan Province; Qiyun Moun­tain in Anhui Province; and Danx­ia Moun­tain in Guang­dong Province. 

Heng Wang, Sunriver’s Chair­man, com­ment­ed, “The use of the EH216‑S in the cul­tur­al tourism sec­tor not only offers vis­i­tors unique per­spec­tives and expe­ri­ences, but also fur­ther advances the intel­li­gent trans­for­ma­tion of the sec­tor, bring­ing cost-effec­tive­ness and oper­a­tional effi­cien­cy to low-alti­tude tourism sight­see­ing.”

He con­tin­ued, ”Togeth­er, we look ahead to lever­ag­ing our respec­tive strengths to accel­er­ate the nation­wide strate­gic deploy­ment of an inte­grat­ed low-alti­tude cul­tur­al tourism mod­el and to achieve prof­itabil­i­ty in low-alti­tude sight­see­ing busi­ness across scenic areas.”

Sun­riv­er has estab­lished “a dis­tinc­tive cul­tur­al tourism indus­try mod­el inte­grat­ed cul­tur­al IPs, tourism and tech­nolo­gies, and pro­vides con­sumers with rich and diver­si­fied cul­tur­al and tourism prod­ucts and high-qual­i­ty, com­fort­ing and con­ve­nient trav­el expe­ri­ence through its plat­form Sun­riv­er Trav­el,” explains the release. 

The com­pa­ny has recent­ly estab­lished a sub­sidiary, Sun­riv­er Gen­er­al Avi­a­tion, with a goal of lever­ag­ing EHang’s autonomous eVTOL air­craft for aer­i­al sight­see­ing ser­vices. This ini­tia­tive is expect­ed to cre­ate smart low-alti­tude tourism mod­els for over 40 des­ti­na­tions.

At the sign­ing cer­e­mo­ny, Conor Yang, CFO of EHang, remarked, “We’re excit­ed to work togeth­er and look for­ward to being at the fore­front of advanc­ing com­mer­cial oper­a­tions at scale of low-alti­tude tourism in China’s many pre­mier scenic spots. Our aim is to pro­vide tourists with safer, autonomous and eco-friend­ly low-alti­tude cul­tur­al tourism expe­ri­ences, dri­ving inno­va­tion and sus­tain­able growth with­in the low-alti­tude tourism indus­try.”

He added, “Togeth­er, we will set up bench­mark projects and cre­ate brand val­ue for Chi­nese pilot­less eVTOL in cul­tur­al tourism indus­try.”

For more infor­ma­tion 



(Top image: EHang/Sunriver Mem­bers at Sign­ing Cer­e­mo­ny)

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