
LIFT Japan to launch “HEXA eVTOL Pay-Per-Flights during Osaka World Expo 2025”

LIFT Air­craft recent­ly announced it has cho­sen Marubeni Aero­space as the oper­at­ing part­ner to launch LIFT Japan and its HEXA eVTOL air­craft dur­ing the Osa­ka World EXPO 2025, reports a press release. The event lasts six months from April 13th to Octo­ber 13th. The loca­tion is in Osa­ka Bay, near the mouth of the Yolo Riv­er, on the man-made island of Yumeshi­ma.

Marubeni has placed its first pur­chase order for the HEXA after enter­ing into a license agree­ment to oper­ate LIFT’s pay-per-flight busi­ness in Japan. The coun­try will be LIFT’s first launch out­side of the U.S, mak­ing it only the sec­ond region where train­ing and fly­ing eVTOL air­craft is avail­able pub­licly.

The two com­pa­nies have joined forces to intro­duce HEXA to Japan after con­duct­ing suc­cess­ful demon­stra­tion flights in the city of Osa­ka last year and then gain­ing plau­dits at the SusHi Tech 2024 event in Tokyo from avi­a­tion enthu­si­asts, the gen­er­al pub­lic and the city’s gov­er­nor.

LIFT was the first glob­al­ly to offer eVTOL pay-per-flight expe­ri­ences, launch­ing cus­tomer oper­a­tions in 2023. Lead­ing up to the World EXPO, the Japan­ese pub­lic will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to receive train­ing and flight expe­ri­ence with HEXA, as hun­dreds have already achieved in the U.S. 

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Matt Chasen, Founder and CEO of LIFT Air­craft, com­ment­ed, “We’re excit­ed to deep­en our rela­tion­ship with Marubeni Aero­space and bring LIFT Air­craft to Japan. Our demon­stra­tions in Osa­ka and Tokyo have shown there is sig­nif­i­cant demand for per­son­al eVTOL expe­ri­ences in the coun­try. Marubeni’s oper­a­tional excel­lence and rep­u­ta­tion makes them a per­fect part­ner as we make the dream of flight a real­i­ty for Japan­ese peo­ple.”

Marubeni Aero­space, a sub­sidiary of War­ren Buf­fet-backed Marubeni Group, is one of Japan’s lead­ing trad­ing com­pa­nies and has long been at the fore­front of new tech­nolo­gies. With an increased focus on sus­tain­abil­i­ty, its part­ner­ship with LIFT rep­re­sents a nat­ur­al exten­sion of the company’s vision.

The launch of LIFT Japan rep­re­sents a major step for­ward for the U.S‑based company’s glob­al expan­sion strat­e­gy. As HEXA pre­pares for its debut in Japan, LIFT Air­craft remains com­mit­ted “to rev­o­lu­tion­is­ing recre­ation­al avi­a­tion and advanc­ing eVTOL tech­nol­o­gy world­wide, while bring­ing the thrill of per­son­al flights to new mar­kets,” explains the release.

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(Top image: LIFT HEXA)

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