
SkyDrive “Forms Business Partnership with FEAM Aero”, a Large North American MRO Company

Sky­Drive, the Japan­ese eVTOL com­pa­ny, recent­ly announced the sign­ing of a strate­gic alliance with U.S‑based FEAM Aero, reports a press release. This col­lab­o­ra­tion com­bines Japan’s lead­ing elec­tric air taxi devel­op­ment with FEAM’s expe­ri­ence of cre­at­ing a strong frame­work for the main­te­nance, sup­port and scal­a­bil­i­ty of air taxis both across the U.S and else­where.

Sky­Drive estab­lished a local Amer­i­can sub­sidiary last year. The com­pa­ny is now active­ly part­ner­ing with U.S com­pa­nies, “to devel­op prac­ti­cal use cas­es and tai­lor its offer­ings based on the cur­rent, real-world state of the Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty indus­try,” explains the release.

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FEAM Aero has 52 glob­al line sta­tions includ­ing the U.S, U.K and Europe. It sup­ports more than 130,000 flights annu­al­ly and ser­vices 70 oper­a­tors. This includes major air­lines, car­go car­ri­ers, region­al air­lines and pri­vate oper­a­tors.

The com­pa­ny views com­mer­cial eVTOLs as the future of advanced air mobil­i­ty, and sees the poten­tial in SkyDrive’s pio­neer­ing approach to region­al air trans­port.

The two com­pa­nies will col­lab­o­rate “to devel­op and mod­el diverse oper­a­tional use cas­es, ensur­ing that SkyDrive’s eVTOL fleet oper­ates effi­cient­ly and reli­ably across var­i­ous real-world sce­nar­ios,”  con­tin­ues the release. “The part­ner­ship will pri­mar­i­ly focus on region­al routes orig­i­nat­ing from region­al air­ports, which are expect­ed to receive quick­er reg­u­la­to­ry approval, enabling a faster roll-out of ser­vices.” 

It adds, “By com­bin­ing FEAM Aero’s exper­tise in main­te­nance, retro­fitting and oper­a­tional sup­port, the part­ner­ship will facil­i­tate the smooth incor­po­ra­tion of eVTOL ser­vices into cur­rent avi­a­tion infra­struc­ture, help­ing to build a ful­ly inte­grat­ed and scal­able air mobil­i­ty net­work.”

Tomo­hi­ro Fukuza­wa, CEO of Sky­Drive, com­ment­ed, “This part­ner­ship marks a piv­otal step in estab­lish­ing main­te­nance and air­craft sup­port infra­struc­ture for our Sky­Drive eVTOL, and is a sig­nif­i­cant advance­ment towards eVTOLs in the Unit­ed States mar­ket.”

He con­tin­ued, “We are con­fi­dent that our col­lab­o­ra­tion will enable us to build com­mer­cial use cas­es, not only in the south­east­ern part of the U.S, but also nation­al­ly and seam­less­ly inte­grate into exist­ing trans­porta­tion sys­tems at region­al air­ports across the coun­try.”

Cam Mur­phy, Pres­i­dent of FEAM Aero, added, “By blend­ing our trust­ed exper­tise in main­te­nance with SkyDrive’s pio­neer­ing approach to region­al air trans­port, we are estab­lish­ing a best-in-class sup­port ecosys­tem that posi­tions FEAM at the fore­front of the next era in avi­a­tion.”

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(Top image: Sky­Drive SD-05)

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