
Eve Air Mobility, Helicopters Inc “Sign LOI for up to 50 eVTOL Sales, Service Support and Urban ATM Software”

Eve Air Mobil­i­ty has announced the sign­ing of a Let­ter of Intent (LOI) with Heli­copters Inc., a lead­ing U.S heli­copter oper­a­tor, for sales of up to 50 elec­tric eVTOL air­craft, reports a press release. The order also includes ser­vice sup­port and Vec­tor, Eve’s ATM soft­ware. 

The news broke dur­ing the two-day San Fran­cis­co Revolution.aero Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM) Con­fer­ence (Decem­ber 4th-5th), where Eve was par­tic­i­pat­ing in a Forum dis­cus­sion on how to sup­port and scale the future of air mobil­i­ty.

Megha Bha­tia, CCO of Eve, com­ment­ed  “Heli­copters Inc. is a recog­nised leader, safe­ly oper­at­ing air­craft in more than 30 met­ro­pol­i­tan areas through­out the U.S. We look for­ward to work­ing with them on deploy­ing our eVTOL air­craft as part of their exten­sive Amer­i­can oper­a­tion.” This part­ner­ship goes back to a flight sim­u­la­tion based on Chica­go, two years ago with Blade, where a heli­copter was used to repli­cate future eVTOL oper­a­tions. 

The release explains, “The com­pa­nies teamed to trans­port pas­sen­gers from the Ver­ti­port Chica­go facil­i­ty to two helistops locat­ed north­west and south­west of Chica­go. The first route con­nect­ed Ver­ti­port Chica­go to Schaum­burg Munic­i­pal Helistop, and the sec­ond route con­nect­ed Ver­ti­port Chica­go to Tin­ley Park Helistop.”

Megha Bha­tia

Tom Wag­n­er, Pres­i­dent of Heli­copters Inc, remarked “Eve’s eVTOL air­craft will pro­vide numer­ous advan­tages includ­ing com­pet­i­tive cost of oper­a­tion, few­er parts and opti­mised struc­tures and sys­tems, not to men­tion a low­er noise foot­print and envi­ron­men­tal ben­e­fits.”

The two com­pa­nies “will fur­ther work togeth­er in refin­ing poten­tial launch cities in tar­get mar­kets, air­craft main­te­nance and ser­vic­ing require­ments, and along with ecosys­tem part­ners, analysing the addi­tion­al infra­struc­ture require­ments need­ed to sup­port safe and effi­cient oper­a­tions,” con­tin­ues the release. “Tar­get use cas­es could fea­ture air­port shut­tle and point-to-point con­nec­tions across the Unit­ed States.”

As part of the LOI, Heli­copters Inc will also have access to Eve Tech­Care, a pio­neer all-in-one suite of solu­tions designed to stream­line eVTOL oper­a­tions by pro­vid­ing the industry’s most com­pre­hen­sive ser­vices, expert cus­tomer sup­port and cut­ting-edge oper­a­tional solu­tions, as well as Vec­tor, an agnos­tic soft­ware solu­tion designed to effi­cient­ly nav­i­gate cur­rent and future AAM oper­a­tions. 

Last year, Eve announced its first eVTOL pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty to be locat­ed in the city of Taubaté, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The com­pa­ny recent­ly unveiled its first full-scale pro­to­type at the Farn­bor­ough Air Show in July and is pro­gress­ing towards a tri­al cam­paign. Eve has LOIs for near­ly 3,000 eVTOL air­craft includ­ing cus­tomers from almost every con­ti­nent.


Found­ed in 1981, Heli­copters Inc, today, has a pres­ence in more than 30 major U.S cities, rep­re­sent­ed by over 200 employ­ees. The com­pa­ny rou­tine­ly flies in excess of 30,000 annu­al hours, while safe­ly mov­ing tens of thou­sands of pas­sen­gers each year in and among Amer­i­ca’s largest met­ro­pol­i­tan areas.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top Image: Eve Air Mobil­i­ty)

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