
Skyports, Bicester Motion “Begin Construction of UKs First Vertiport Testbed”

Sky­ports Infra­struc­ture and Bices­ter Motion, a 444-acre future mobil­i­ty estate in Bices­ter, Oxford­shire, have start­ed con­struc­tion of the UK’s first ver­ti­port test­bed, reports a press release. This ver­ti­port is a key ele­ment of the Advanced Mobil­i­ty Ecosys­tem Con­sor­tium, an Inno­vate UK Future Flight Chal­lenge project.

It is under con­struc­tion on a plot of 0.42 acres that is to include a com­pact 160 sq. metre pas­sen­ger ter­mi­nal, and once com­plete, will become a vital facil­i­ty for tri­alling eVTOL flight oper­a­tions, ground infra­struc­ture and air traf­fic man­age­ment.

The release explains, “The ver­ti­port is being con­struct­ed adja­cent to Bices­ter Motion’s exist­ing gen­er­al avi­a­tion grass run­ways and is due to be com­plet­ed ear­ly next year. The facil­i­ty will launch with an inau­gu­ra­tion event at which Advanced Mobil­i­ty Ecosys­tem Con­sor­tium part­ners is to test and demon­strate key out­puts and find­ings from the project which will include demon­stra­tion flights by Ver­ti­cal Aero­space.”

Daniel Geoghe­gan, CEO of Bices­ter Motion, com­ment­ed, “It is great to see a Sky­ports’ ver­ti­port being built, right here in Bices­ter. Once com­plete, it will sup­port eVTOL test­ing as part of the AAM inno­va­tion.”

Dun­can Walk­er, CEO of Sky­ports, added: “With spades in ground and the site begin­ning to take shape, we are now one step clos­er to deliv­er­ing our ver­ti­port at Bices­ter Motion. We look for­ward to open­ing the facil­i­ty in a few months’ time to con­tin­ue our efforts to devel­op and scale elec­tric air taxi ser­vices.”

For more infor­ma­tion



(Top image: Mem­bers of Sky­ports and Bices­ter Motion — l to r — Ben Tat­ton, Rob Wil­son, James Bir­cumshaw, Daniel Geoghe­gan (CEO), Dun­can Walk­er (CEO), Mike Doran, Sarah-Jane Cur­tis, Mag­gie Mul­lan, Char­lie Rus­sell, John Bent­ley and Edward Rus­sell)

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