
U.S: Wing Drone Delivery “Set to Launch at Brookfield Properties’ Dallas-Fort Worth Malls in Partnership with DoorDash”

Wing Drone Deliv­ery announce this week it is part­ner­ing with Door­Dash and Brook­field Prop­er­ties in the Dal­las-Fort Worth Metro­plex, to offer ultra-fast ship­ment from local malls just in time for the Xmas hol­i­days, reports a press release.

Launch­ing at Brook­field Prop­er­ties’ Stone­bri­ar Cen­tre in Frisco and Hulen Mall in Fort Worth, this will be a first-of-its-kind ser­vice for Amer­i­can shop­ping malls.

The release explains, “More than 50 mer­chants will be avail­able for drone deliv­ery through the Door­Dash app. Wing’s high­ly auto­mat­ed drones can deliv­er items and meals to doorsteps in as lit­tle as 15 min­utes. The drones can nav­i­gate to the deliv­ery loca­tion at a speed of 65 mph and a cruis­ing height of about 150 feet before safe­ly low­er­ing the deliv­ery to the ground. Wing has been oper­at­ing in the U.S. for the past 5 years, and has com­plet­ed more than 400,000 com­mer­cial deliv­er­ies world­wide.”

Start­ing this week, when Door­Dash clients with an eli­gi­ble address in Dal­las-Fort Worth place a qual­i­fy­ing order in the App, they will see the option to have items deliv­ered by drone on the check­out page. Once they select drone deliv­ery and place their order, it will be pre­pared, pack­aged and deliv­ered via a Wing drone.

For Amer­i­can read­ers, please see if your address is eli­gi­ble. Vis­it: wing.com/doordash.

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The release con­tin­ues, “Wing’s part­ner­ship with Door­Dash is guid­ed by the shared goal of pro­vid­ing cus­tomers with the con­ve­nience and speed of air deliv­er­ies for the local prod­ucts and brands they know and love. This part­ner­ship expan­sion fol­lows pilot pro­grams in Mel­bourne, Aus­tralia and Chris­tians­burg, Vir­ginia.”

Katie Kurtz, Senior VP of Busi­ness Devel­op­ment at Brook­field Prop­er­ties, enthused, “We are proud to be the first land­lord to pro­vide drone deliv­ery as anoth­er avenue to help our ten­ants serve our com­mu­ni­ties.”

She con­tin­ued, “We’re com­mit­ted to meet­ing the chang­ing needs of the ways peo­ple shop. Brook­field Prop­er­ties has a strong track record of evolv­ing our assets and lead­ing ahead of the curve in retail.”

Brook­field Prop­er­ties is a glob­al leader in real estate man­age­ment. One of the only oper­a­tors in the world able “to curate, evolve and reimag­ine today’s thriv­ing malls and cus­tomer expe­ri­ence.” 

Through this nov­el part­ner­ship with Wing, Brook­field is to tri­al ways to incor­po­rate drone deliv­ery into its var­i­ous shop­ping cen­tres. The goal is to enable busi­ness­es to take advan­tage of pre­vi­ous­ly under­utilised spaces, such as rooftops or excess park­ing, in order to reach more cus­tomers via drone deliv­ery.

For more infor­ma­tion





(Top image: Cred­it — Wing Drone Deliv­ery)

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Stone­bri­ar Cen­tre, 2601, Pre­ston Rd, Frisco, Texas (Cred­it: Brook­field Prop­er­ties) 

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