
Volocopter Posts “75 Percent Completion of Audits For Type Certification”

Ger­man-based elec­tric air taxi, Volo­copter, announced last week on LinkedIn, it has suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed 75 per­cent of the audits required to obtain Type Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion (TC) from Euro­pean air reg­u­la­tor, EASA. 

Most recent­ly, the com­pa­ny has passed a por­tion of its Elec­tric Propul­sion Sys­tem (EPS) audit, with the actu­al EASA team on site. The com­pa­ny writes, “A crit­i­cal sys­tem, such as the EPS, is sub­ject to devel­op­ment assur­ance audits, show­ing that soft­ware, hard­ware and sys­tems are devel­oped in com­pli­ance with air­wor­thi­ness require­ments and is cru­cial for air­craft cer­ti­fi­ca­tion.” 

The post con­tin­ues, “Com­plet­ing three-quar­ters of the required audits is a sig­nif­i­cant win for Volo­copter as it brings us clos­er to becom­ing the first eVTOL design­er and devel­op­er with an EASA-cer­ti­fied air­craft, paving the way for glob­al expan­sion.”

Oth­er recent com­pa­ny news is that it’s mak­ing for­ward strides on the ground too. Par­al­lel to flight test­ing, Volocopter’s pro­duc­tion team is pro­gress­ing with the final assem­bly of its fourth and fifth Voloc­i­ty air­craft.

Each flight flown is data analysed and fed back for poten­tial tweaks on air­craft mod­i­fi­ca­tions and improve­ment, strength­en­ing VoloCity’s pro­bity towards its Type Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. The com­pa­ny states on LinkedIn, “This progress inspires bet­ter pro­duc­tion flow, main­te­nance access and train­ing, as well as prod­uct iter­a­tion.”

Voloc­i­ty Con­tin­ues Under­go­ing Improved Mod­i­fi­ca­tions

For more infor­ma­tion


(Top image: Voloc­i­ty Improve­ments)

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