Join eVTOL Insights’ next Clubhouse room on February 6th and connect with industry leaders to discuss latest news
eVTOL Insights’ next monthly Clubhouse room of 2025 will take place on Thursday, February 6th, where readers will once again be able to join virtually and discuss the latest news from the global Advanced Air Mobility market.
Taking place between 4.45pm and 5.30pm GMT, the ‘real-time’ virtual room — typically held on the first Thursday of each month — is moderated by Executive Editor Jason Pritchard, content writer Chris Stonor and supported a host of industry leaders.
The room will also be looking back at some of the key stories which have happened in the month of January — as well as previewing industry events, digesting current updates on leglislation and hearing from those in audience about they are seeing in the market.
New listeners are always welcome to join, but would need to sign up to Clubhouse first. Join more than 270 people who are already members of the ‘eVTOL Insights’ house. The app is free to download via Android or iOS.
To RSVP for February’s Clubhouse room, please click here.