
“LYNEports, Sarla Aviation Collaborate to Advance UAM in India”

Soft­ware spe­cial­ist, LYNEports and Indi­an eVTOL com­pa­ny, Sar­la Avi­a­tion, have signed a Mem­o­ran­dum of Under­stand­ing (MOU) to advance Urban Air Mobil­i­ty (UAM) in India, reports a press release.

Roma­nia-based LYNEports’ vision is to empow­er the UAM sec­tor with advanced geospa­tial soft­ware. This includes “devel­op­ing tools and solu­tions that enable opti­mised ver­ti­port plan­ning, seam­less air­space man­age­ment, and effi­cient inte­gra­tion of eVTOL oper­a­tions in var­i­ous urban envi­ron­ments,” explains the release. 

Rasha Alsha­mi, Founder and CEO of LYNEports, com­ment­ed, ”By com­bin­ing our exper­tise in geospa­tial ana­lyt­ics with Sarla’s inno­v­a­tive eVTOL tech­nol­o­gy, we are cre­at­ing tools tai­lored to address the unique chal­lenges of India’s urban land­scapes. Togeth­er, we aim to set a new stan­dard for effi­cient, scal­able ver­ti­port plan­ning and air­space inte­gra­tion.”

Exam­ple of LYNEport’s Ver­ti­port Soft­ware (Cred­it: LYNEports)

India’s rapid­ly grow­ing urban cen­tres present both oppor­tu­ni­ties and chal­lenges for mod­ern trans­porta­tion sys­tems. The part­ner­ship  will:-

: Iden­ti­fy opti­mal loca­tions for ver­ti­ports and vertistops across Indi­an cities. 

: Facil­i­tate ear­ly-stage plan­ning to sup­port scal­able eVTOL oper­a­tions. 

: Devel­op net­works that enhance con­nec­tiv­i­ty and reduce urban con­ges­tion.

Adri­an Schmidt, Co-Founder and CEO of Sar­la Avi­a­tion, explained, “Sarla’s Shun­ya fly­ing taxi is now inte­grat­ed into LYNEports’ soft­ware, enabling seam­less analy­sis of flight para­me­ters across pro­to­type oper­a­tional routes in India.”

By inte­grat­ing Sar­la Aviation’s cut­ting-edge eVTOLs into LYNEports’ plat­form, the part­ners aim to cre­ate solu­tions that serve the evolv­ing needs of Indi­an cities while set­ting a glob­al bench­mark for UAM inno­va­tion. 

For a charge, you can begin using Sarla’s air­craft in LYNEports soft­ware:-


For more infor­ma­tion



(Top image: Sar­la Avi­a­tion)

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