
We can look into com­plaints about items we have pub­lished which are in our con­trol. We adhere to the Stan­dards Code adopt­ed by Impress and can only deal with com­plaints which relate to an alleged breach of the stan­dards set out in this Code.

We can only deal with your com­plaint if you are:

· per­son­al­ly and direct­ly affect­ed by an alleged breach of the Code

· a rep­re­sen­ta­tive group affect­ed by an alleged breach of the Code, where there is pub­lic inter­est in your com­plaint

· a third par­ty seek­ing to ensure accu­ra­cy of pub­lished infor­ma­tion

We are also reg­u­lat­ed by Impress, but ini­tial com­plaints must be made to us, Indus­try Insights Group, using the fol­low­ing details:


Tele­phone: +44 7974 093 994

Address: Advan­tage, 87 Cas­tle St, Read­ing RG1 7SN

We will acknowl­edge your com­plaint by e‑mail or in writ­ing with­in sev­en cal­en­dar days and will nor­mal­ly respond to your com­pli­ant with a final deci­sion let­ter with­in 21 cal­en­dar days. If we uphold your com­plaint, we will tell you the reme­di­al actions we have tak­en.

If you are not sat­is­fied with the final response to your com­plaint, or if you do not hear from us with­in 21 cal­en­dar days of sub­mit­ting your com­plaint, then you can refer your com­plaint to our inde­pen­dent reg­u­la­tor Impress at this link or by con­tact­ing them direct­ly using the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion:

T: 020 3325 4288

eVTOL Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769