Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


  1. All book­ings made pri­or to the con­fer­ence must be paid in full to guar­an­tee reg­is­tra­tion. Once pay­ment has been received, an email con­fir­ma­tion and a receipt invoice will be sent. If pay­ment is not made at the time of book­ing, reg­is­tra­tion will be pro­vi­sion­al. Book­ings received less than two weeks before the con­fer­ence date can only be paid by cred­it card.
  2. Tick­ets are non-refund­able.

Early Bird Rate

  1. In order to qual­i­fy for any ‘ear­ly bird’ rates, book­ing and pay­ment must be received before the dead­line date list­ed in the con­fer­ence mar­ket­ing mate­r­i­al.

Access Requirements

  1. Del­e­gates should advise of any spe­cial access require­ments at the time of reg­is­tra­tion.

Registration Information

  1. Reg­is­tra­tion infor­ma­tion will be sent to reg­is­tered del­e­gates by email at least sev­en days pri­or to the event.  Any del­e­gate not receiv­ing the reg­is­tra­tion infor­ma­tion should con­tact us by email to doreen@evtolinsights.com

Alterations to Programme – Cancellation/Postponement of Event

  1. eVTOL Insights reserves the right to make alter­ations to the con­fer­ence pro­gramme, venue and tim­ings.
    1. In the unlike­ly event of the pro­gramme being can­celled by eVTOL Insights, a full refund will be made. Lia­bil­i­ty will be lim­it­ed to the amount of the fee paid by the del­e­gate.
    1. In the event of it being found nec­es­sary, for what­ev­er rea­son, that the con­fer­ence is being post­poned or the dates being changed, the organ­is­ers shall not be liable for any expen­di­ture, dam­age or loss incurred by the del­e­gate.
    1. If by re-arrange­ment or post­pone­ment the event can take place, the book­ing between the del­e­gate and the organ­is­ers shall remain in force and will be sub­ject to the can­cel­la­tion sched­ule in para­graph 3.


  1. Views expressed by speak­ers are their own. eVTOL Insights can­not accept lia­bil­i­ty for advice giv­en, or views expressed, by any speak­er at the con­fer­ence or in any mate­r­i­al pro­vid­ed to del­e­gates.

Photography & Filming

  1. For pro­mo­tion­al pur­pos­es, there may be a pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er and video pro­duc­tion tak­ing place dur­ing the con­fer­ence. Del­e­gates who do not wish to be filmed or record­ed should advise the organ­is­ers by email to doreen@evtolinsights.com pri­or to the event.

Data Protection

  1. By sub­mit­ting reg­is­tra­tion details, del­e­gates agree to allow eVTOL Insights and com­pa­nies asso­ci­at­ed with the con­fer­ence to con­tact them regard­ing their ser­vices. Del­e­gates who do not wish to receive such com­mu­ni­ca­tions please email doreen@evtolinsights.com. The con­tact details of reg­is­tered del­e­gates will be placed on the attendee list which will be passed to spon­sor­ing com­pa­nies and to all atten­dees for them to see who is at the con­fer­ence for the pur­pose of net­work­ing and meet­ings. Del­e­gates who do not wish to be includ­ed on this list should advise at the time of book­ing.

Websites & Links

  1. The con­fer­ence and asso­ci­at­ed eVTOL Insights web­sites may link to oth­er web­sites and net­work­ing tools pro­vid­ed for the con­ve­nience of the users. The con­tents of these web­sites are main­tained by their own­ers, for which eVTOL Insights takes no respon­si­bil­i­ty. Nei­ther can respon­si­bil­i­ty be tak­en for con­tents of any web­site link­ing to this web­site.


  1. It is the respon­si­bil­i­ty of the del­e­gate to arrange appro­pri­ate insur­ance cov­er in con­nec­tion with their atten­dance at the con­fer­ence. eVTOL Insights can­not be held liable for any loss, lia­bil­i­ty or dam­age to per­son­al prop­er­ty.

Speakers Terms & Conditions

  1. eVTOL Insights may use the speaker’s name and pre­sen­ta­tion mate­ri­als for pro­mot­ing del­e­gate atten­dance at the con­fer­ence.
    1. Pre­sen­ta­tions and papers includ­ing all asso­ci­at­ed art­work and illus­tra­tions will not be returned unless specif­i­cal­ly request­ed by the author. The papers must be objec­tive and com­plete­ly free of adver­tis­ing and com­mer­cial­ism.
    1. eVTOL Insights may audio and/or video­tape the speaker’s ses­sion and the record­ing may be repro­duced and sold as part of the over­all con­fer­ence mate­ri­als. This allows del­e­gates to pur­chase audio/video copies of pre­sen­ta­tions that they may have been unable to attend.
    1. eVTOL Insights may repro­duce copies of the speaker’s pre­sen­ta­tion (eg. Pow­er­Point slides or sup­port­ing hand­outs) on paper and/or elec­tron­i­cal­ly and these may be sold as part of the over­all hand-out mate­ri­als dur­ing the con­fer­ence and after the event. Any acknowl­edge­ment regard­ing Copy­right or sup­port should be includ­ed at the end of the abstract/presentation, as these will be dis­trib­uted to the con­fer­ence del­e­gates.
    1. Speak­ers who do not wish to give per­mis­sion for the above terms and con­di­tions, please email doreen@evtolinsights.com before the com­mence­ment of the con­fer­ence.
eVTOL Insights is part of the Industry Insights Group. Registered in the UK. Company No: 14395769