Christmas Networking at Houses of Parliament, London

eVTOL Insights has released tick­ets for the Advanced Air Mobility’s Christ­mas Par­ty, which will be held at the Hous­es of Par­lia­ment on Thurs­day, Decem­ber 5th.

The event will be from 3.30pm GMT and con­sist of an after­noon tea served in the icon­ic Ter­race Pavil­ion. It is part of the Palace of West­min­ster, one of the most icon­ic build­ings in the world with sweep­ing views of the Riv­er Thames and Lon­don city sky­line.

We will be serv­ing:

  • Fresh­ly Baked But­ter­milk Scones served with Rodda’s Cor­nish clot­ted cream and Essex Tip­tree straw­ber­ry jam
  • A Selec­tion of Fin­ger Sand­wich­es includ­ing Free-range Hen’s Egg and Cress (v), Coro­na­tion Chick­en, Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese, Cheese Ploughman’s and more
  • Home­made House of Lords After­noon Tea Cakes with Twin­ings Eng­lish Tea or Fil­ter Cof­fee

Tick­ets are now on sale via our Eventbrite page and cost £65 per per­son. Click here to buy yours.

The Hous­es of Par­lia­ment, offi­cial­ly known as the Palace of West­min­ster, is one of the most icon­ic build­ings in the world, locat­ed on the north bank of the Riv­er Thames in Lon­don.

This mag­nif­i­cent Goth­ic Revival struc­ture serves as the meet­ing place for the UK Par­lia­ment, hous­ing both the House of Com­mons and the House of Lords.

The build­ing is char­ac­ter­ized by its strik­ing archi­tec­ture, with intri­cate stone carv­ings, spires, and tow­ers.

The most famous of these is the Eliz­a­beth Tow­er, which hous­es Big Ben, the mas­sive clock bell that has become a sym­bol of British cul­ture and pol­i­tics.

The Vic­to­ria Tow­er, at the oppo­site end of the build­ing, stands as one of the tallest tow­ers, hous­ing impor­tant par­lia­men­tary records.

For any ques­tions relat­ing to this event, please email

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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