eVTOL Insights’ London Conference 2022

There’s not long to go until our first Lon­don con­fer­ence for the eVTOL air­craft and urban air mobil­i­ty mar­kets, where some of the industry’s biggest names will be pro­vid­ing key insights about the grow­ing mar­ket.

The in-per­son event takes place on Wednes­day, April 20th at the Leonar­do Roy­al Hotel in Tow­er Bridge — sit­u­at­ed near the icon­ic Tow­er of Lon­don. Reg­is­tra­tion is at 8.30am, with a mix­ture of pan­el dis­cus­sions and pre­sen­ta­tions begin­ning from 9am.

Com­pa­nies speak­ing and attend­ing include Joby Avi­a­tion, Volo­copter, Sky­ports, Avolon‑e, Ver­ti­cal Aero­space, US Air Force, Reed Smith LLP, Air­speed­er, EHang, NATS, Dufour Aero­space, Air­borne, Man­ta Air­craft, Sky­roads, Wisk, Five-Alpha, Sky­portz, UK Research and Inno­va­tion, Atkins, Rolls-Royce Elec­tri­cal, Limosa Inc, Eve Air Mobil­i­ty and Swan­son Avi­a­tion Con­sul­tan­cy.


09.00–09.20 Plan­ning ahead for UK launch
Andrew Macmil­lan, Direc­tor of Infra­struc­ture, Ver­ti­cal Aero­space
09.20 – 09.40 Set­ting the Scene – Where the eVTOL Air­craft Indus­try is Going in 2022
Kolin Schunck, Senior Spe­cial­ist – Aero­space and Defence, Roland Berg­er
09.40 – 10.00 Pow­er­ing Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty
Ste­fan Bre­unig, Head of Strat­e­gy, Rolls-Royce Elec­tri­cal
10.00 – 10.20 Bring­ing eVTOL Tech­nol­o­gy to Life
Oliv­er Walk­er-Jones, Head of Comms, Mar­ket­ing and Brand, Joby Avi­a­tion
10.20 – 10.40 BREAK
10.40 – 11.00 Pan­el Dis­cus­sion

How well placed is AAM ahead of com­mer­cial launch?

Clem New­ton-Brown, CEO of Sky­portz
Dana Jensen, Senior Data Indus­try Ana­lyst, US Air Force
Gary Cutts, Future Flight Direc­tor, UKR&I
Marc Tem­bleque-Vilal­ta, Head of Avolon‑e

11.00 – 11.20 Cre­at­ing the seam­less pas­sen­ger jour­ney for AAM
John Drev­er, Tech­ni­cal Direc­tor for Future Bor­ders and Secu­ri­ty, Atkins
11.20 – 11.40 How Limo­Con­nect v1 will inte­grate into AAM and play a role in Canada’s air­space
Hamid Hami­di, CEO, Limosa Inc
11.40 – 12.00 Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty: The key to co-evolv­ing a sus­tain­able ecosys­tem
Andrew Sage, Direc­tor of Safe­ty Trans­for­ma­tion, NATS
12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH
13.00 – 13.20 Can we ensure that reg­u­la­tion doesn’t sti­fle inno­va­tion in AAM?
Richard Hakes, Chair of Glob­al Trans­porta­tion Group, Reed Smith LLP
13.20 – 13.40 Pan­el Dis­cus­sion

Future use cas­es for eVTOL air­craft

Sascha Hard­eg­ger, CCO at Dufour Aero­space
Lucas March­esi­ni, CTO at Man­ta Air­craft
Andreas Per­ot­ti, Chief Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer, EHang

13.40 – 14.00 Rac­ing to accel­er­ate the UAM move­ment
James War­ren, Head of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, at Air­speed­er
14.00 – 14.20 Volo­copter – Trans­form­ing air mobil­i­ty for decades to come
Anna Hoel­zle, Senior Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er, Volo­copter
14.20 – 14.40 BREAK
14.40 – 15.00 Pan­el Dis­cus­sion

Address­ing the Infra­struc­ture chal­lenge

Dun­can Walk­er, CEO of Sky­ports
Rex Alexan­der, Founder and Pres­i­dent, Five Alpha
Dar­rell Swan­son, Swan­son Avi­a­tion Con­sul­tan­cy
Corvin Huber, CEO of Sky­roads

15.00 – 15.20 From Pro­to­type to Pro­duc­tion: Chal­lenges and Oppor­tu­ni­ties for the eVTOL Indus­try
Jamie Snud­den, Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er UK, Air­borne
15.20 – 15.40 Address­ing UAM in Lon­don: Our UK ConOps and the next steps
Juliana Rodrigues, Busi­ness Devel­op­ment Lead – Europe, Eve Air Mobil­i­ty
15.40 – 16.00 Fire­side chat

Autonomous UAM Air­craft Oper­a­tions and Ver­ti­port Inte­gra­tion

Erick Coro­na, Head of Prod­uct Man­age­ment, Wisk
Ankit Dass, CTO, Sky­ports

16.00 — 18.00 Close and net­work­ing drinks
Reed Smith LLP
Limosa Inc.
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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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