
Volatus Infrastructure & Energy Solutions Collaborate with LYTE Aviation to Expand Refuelling Options at U.S Vertiports

U.S Vola­tus Infra­struc­ture & Ener­gy Solu­tions (VI&E) and UK-based LYTE Avi­a­tion, an e/VTOL man­u­fac­tur­er of a 40-seat Sky­Bus, are col­lab­o­rat­ing to ful­fil the infra­struc­ture require­ments for all types of e/VTOL tech­nolo­gies in Amer­i­ca, reports a press release. VI&E will expand its refu­elling options to include a uni­ver­sal mul­ti-modal elec­tric charg­ing sta­tion, sus­tain­able avi­a­tion fuel (SAF) and hydro­gen, to ser­vice all types of hybrid and ful­ly elec­tric VTOLs at ver­ti­ports.

LYTE Avi­a­tion is pio­neer­ing the industry’s first 40-seat VTOL, a heavy­weight pas­sen­ger mass tran­sit air­craft called the Sky­Bus LA-44. It is also design­ing a car­go vari­ant, SkyTruck LA-44C, offer­ing a pay­load capac­i­ty of 4.5 tons.

The Sky­Bus is being designed to be five times more fuel effi­cient and 10Xs less noise pol­lut­ing, as well as far few­er main­te­nance, repair and oper­a­tions (MRO) costs, than a heli­copter. With its tan­dem tilt-wing tech­nol­o­gy, pow­er comes from hybrid-hydro­gen-elec­tric tur­bo­props and elec­tric engines. LYTE Avi­a­tion esti­mates it will enter the mar­ket with­in five to six years.

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Fresh­ta Farzam, CEO and Founder of LYTE Avi­a­tion, remarked, “We require the right infra­struc­ture strate­gi­cal­ly and on time for the Sky­Bus. This includes a land­ing pad of approx­i­mate­ly 40m x 40m size that can hold our 17 ton heavy­weight air­craft.”

She con­tin­ued, “Dan and his team’s exten­sive knowl­edge and net­work in the glob­al AAM indus­try is an attrac­tive match for us. As we have cho­sen a hybrid SAF and Hydro­gen pow­er out­put, we would need both at the ver­ti­ports. Their eager­ness to strate­gi­cal­ly set up such refu­elling sta­tions at their facil­i­ties and be the front run­ners, is impres­sive.”

Dan Sloat, VI&E CEO, added, “Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty will come in many dif­fer­ent shapes, sizes and means of propul­sion. As infra­struc­ture and ener­gy providers, we believe in the impor­tance of accom­mo­dat­ing as many designs as pos­si­ble so that e/VTOL oper­a­tors have more safe­ty diverse options avail­able for land­ing.” 

Fresh­ta Farzam, Dan Sloat

The release con­cludes, “Found­ed in 2021, VI&E offers three mod­u­lar ver­ti­port designs and charg­ing sta­tions for soft elec­tric vehi­cles across all medi­ums: Air, Land and Sea. By tai­lor­ing to spe­cif­ic cus­tomer needs and incor­po­rat­ing the lat­est tech­nolo­gies, its work pos­i­tive­ly impacts clients and the com­mu­ni­ties they serve glob­al­ly.”

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(Top Graph­ic image: LYTE Aviation’s 44 seat Sky­Bus)

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