
DJI FlyCart 30 Drone “Heralds a New Era of Dynamic Aerial Delivery”

DJI, a world leader in civ­il drones and cre­ative cam­era tech­nol­o­gy, announced this week the intro­duc­tion of its DJI Fly­Cart 30 (FC30) to the glob­al mar­ket, reports a press release. 

The deliv­ery drone offers a large pay­load capac­i­ty, long oper­a­tion range, high reli­a­bil­i­ty, as well as “intel­li­gent fea­tures”. Now deliv­ery in such areas as moun­tain­ous remote regions, off­shore trans­porta­tion or even emer­gency res­cue, can be per­formed “with greater effi­cien­cy and flex­i­bil­i­ty.”

Christi­na Zhang, Senior Direc­tor of Cor­po­rate Strat­e­gy at DJI, com­ment­ed,  “From agri­cul­ture to con­struc­tion man­age­ment and sur­vey­ing, DJI’s indus­tri­al-grade drones have trans­formed indus­tries by improv­ing safe­ty for work­ers and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty for busi­ness­es.” 

She con­tin­ued, “We are opti­mistic that Fly­Cart 30 will become a trust­ed solu­tion for aer­i­al deliv­ery, solv­ing com­plex ter­rain and ter­mi­nal trans­porta­tion prob­lems effi­cient­ly, eco­nom­i­cal­ly and most impor­tant­ly, safe­ly from the air.”

The release explains, “The FC30 has a coax­i­al four-axis, eight-blade, mul­ti-rotor con­fig­u­ra­tion with car­bon fibre pro­pellers and can achieve a 20 m/s max­i­mum flight speed. When in its dual-bat­tery con­fig­u­ra­tion, it can car­ry a 30 kg pay­load 16 km.”

It con­tin­ues, “In its emer­gency sin­gle-bat­tery con­fig­u­ra­tion, the pay­load capac­i­ty increas­es to 40 kg for a dis­tance of 8 km. DJI O3 trans­mis­sion main­tains a sta­ble con­nec­tion between the drone and remote con­trollers up to 20 km away. Dual Oper­a­tor mode allows con­trol to be trans­ferred between two pilots in dif­fer­ent loca­tions with a sin­gle click.”

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FC30 can fly in extreme weath­er and ter­rain, oper­at­ing in tem­per­a­tures rang­ing from ‑20° to 45° centi­grade, and can fly in winds up to 12 m/s. It has IP55 pro­tec­tion. The stan­dard pro­pellers are opti­mised for alti­tudes from 0–6,000 metres and sup­port flight up to 3,000m with a 30 kg pay­load. Self-heat­ing bat­ter­ies main­tain opti­mal per­for­mance even in low tem­per­a­tures.

The release con­tin­ues, “Before take­off, the FC30 eval­u­ates flight route via­bil­i­ty based on envi­ron­men­tal con­di­tions and ensures pre-take­off safe­ty through audio-visu­al prompts and by delay­ing pro­peller launch. Dur­ing flight, the dual active phased array radar and binoc­u­lar vision sys­tems enable all-weath­er mul­ti­di­rec­tion­al intel­li­gent obsta­cle sens­ing, day or night. The built-in ADS‑B sig­nal receiv­er gives time­ly warn­ing of near­by crewed air­craft. In emer­gen­cies, an inte­grat­ed para­chute can deploy at low atti­tudes and land the drone sta­bly, pro­tect­ing both peo­ple and prop­er­ty.

The FC30 has a flex­i­ble con­fig­u­ra­tion where it folds down for easy trans­port in  a stan­dard-sized vehi­cle. In car­go-mode, pay­loads are placed in a 70-litre case that fea­tures weight and cen­tre-of-grav­i­ty sen­sors to improve bal­ance and safe­ty.

In Winch mode, pay­loads are car­ried by a winch crane for deliv­ery to areas with­out con­ve­nient land­ing sites. The sys­tem includes a 20m cable that can man­u­al­ly or auto­mat­i­cal­ly retract at 0.8 m/s and can car­ry 40 kg. “AR Pro­jec­tion assists accu­rate place­ment of goods by indi­cat­ing the pro­ject­ed land­ing point. Dur­ing flight, FC30 can intel­li­gent­ly adjust its flight atti­tude, auto­mat­i­cal­ly reduc­ing car­go swing,” explains the release.

It con­tin­ues, “DJI Deliv­ery­Hub sys­tem­a­tis­es aer­i­al deliv­ery with oper­a­tion plan­ning, sta­tus mon­i­tor­ing, cen­tralised team resource man­age­ment, and data col­lec­tion and analy­sis. It also sup­ports live view­ing through the drone’s high res­o­lu­tion FPV gim­bal cam­era.”

Christi­na Zhang

DJI Pilot 2 pow­ers man­u­al flight and dis­plays real-time flight sta­tus, car­go sta­tus, and more for safe and effi­cient oper­a­tion. In extreme weath­er or oth­er abnor­mal­i­ties, DJI Pilot 2 alerts oper­a­tors of risks and sup­ports alter­nate land­ing site man­age­ment.

DJI Deliv­ery­Hub and FC30 sup­port inte­gra­tion with exter­nal cloud plat­forms or pay­loads, enabling adap­ta­tion to a wide range of indus­try-spe­cif­ic appli­ca­tions.

For more infor­ma­tion


(Images: DJI)

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