
Robotic Skies and Corridor Aviation Service Software to Create Maintenance Technology

Robot­ic Skies and Con­tin­u­um Applied Tech­nol­o­gy have entered into a part­ner­ship to com­bine Corridor’s avi­a­tion main­te­nance plat­form with Robot­ic Skies’ main­te­nance, repair, and over­haul (MRO) net­work for unmanned air­craft sys­tems (UAS) and advanced air mobil­i­ty (AAM) air­craft.

The part­ner­ship will pro­vide Robot­ic Skies with a cus­tomised soft­ware plat­form to man­age its MRO oper­a­tions while extend­ing Cor­ri­dor to pro­vide enhanced sup­port of air­craft main­te­nance activ­i­ties to help enable the emerg­ing unmanned aero­space mar­ket.

The part­ner­ship brings togeth­er Corridor’s 25-year expe­ri­ence with its avi­a­tion main­te­nance and reg­u­la­to­ry require­ments man­age­ment plat­form and Robot­ic Skies’ UAS/AAM mar­ket exper­tise and glob­al MRO net­work.

As next gen­er­a­tion air­craft oper­a­tions become increas­ing­ly reg­u­lat­ed, UAS/AAM man­u­fac­tur­ers and oper­a­tors realise that access to glob­al air­space is con­tin­gent upon imple­ment­ing estab­lished avi­a­tion com­pli­ance prac­tices, includ­ing for­malised main­te­nance pro­grams.

By lever­ag­ing the Cor­ri­dor soft­ware port­fo­lio, Robot­ic Skies can more effi­cient­ly man­age main­te­nance activ­i­ties and track air­craft com­pli­ance con­duct­ed by its glob­al net­work of ser­vice providers.

Con­tin­u­um Applied Tech­nol­o­gy exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent Mike Greig said: “Thou­sands of OEM-autho­rised ser­vice cen­tres will be need­ed to serve the emerg­ing com­mer­cial drone and advanced air mobil­i­ty mar­kets, and most will not be locat­ed at air­ports where air­craft are main­tained today.

“Sup­port­ed by Cor­ri­dor mobile avi­a­tion main­te­nance, the Robot­ic Skies busi­ness mod­el will enable its net­work of over 240 inde­pen­dent repair sta­tions to bet­ter ensure the safe­ty and con­tin­ued air­wor­thi­ness of the UAS/AAM air­craft they sup­port.”

Robot­ic Skies CEO and founder Brad Hay­den added: “Data man­age­ment is a crit­i­cal aspect of Next Gen­er­a­tion air­craft oper­a­tions, and man­u­fac­tur­ers and oper­a­tors can access pow­er­ful dig­i­tal plat­forms to ensure they remain com­pet­i­tive.

“The Robot­ic Skies-Cor­ri­dor part­ner­ship cre­ates a one-stop, com­pre­hen­sive solu­tion that sup­ports UAS/AAM oper­a­tions require­ments while main­tain­ing reg­u­la­to­ry com­pli­ance for air­craft main­te­nance exe­cu­tion and track­ing.”

In May 2021, Robot­ic Skies and Avy Drones for Good, a Dutch drone man­u­fac­tur­er, agreed to devel­op a field sup­port pro­gramme for Avy’s grow­ing fleet of long-range autonomous life­sav­ing air­craft.

In August 2020, Sky­ports and Robot­ic Skies announced that they would devel­op main­te­nance facil­i­ties and pro­grammes for the Advanced Air Mobil­i­ty (AAM) indus­try.

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Jason Pritchard

Jason Pritchard is the Editor of eVTOL Insights. He holds a BA from Leicester's De Montfort University and has worked in Journalism and Public Relations for more than a decade. Outside of work, Jason enjoys playing and watching football and golf. He also has a keen interest in Ancient Egypt.

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